Fly Fishing Pacific City: New Book Released by Jay Nicholas

Fly Fishing Pacific City

Fly Fishing Pacific City


This title is the latest in Jay’s series of books available on Amazon, here at the Caddis Fly Shop, and from your home town fly shop too, upon your request. All of Jay’s titles are in the process of being picked up by Angler’s Book Supply, located right here in Eugene Oregon, and this will make it simpler for fly shops all around the country to provide these great “home town” books available to walk-in customers.

“Fly Fishing Pacific City” is a short review of fishing opportunities that any angler may participate in throughout the year all along the Oregon Coast. The focus of this book is the region of the coast close to Pacific City, but realistically, similar opportunities are available from the Columbia to the Winchuck river. Jay’s book is laid out simply, with a one-page summary of key fisheries that notes peak months, tackle recommendations, fishing tactics, good flies to fish, and one fishing story. Laid out in general progression as the year unfolds, it covers winter steelhead, lingcod, rockfish on clousers, rockfish on poppers, summer steelhead, spring Chinook, summer steelhead, coho in the ocean, coho in the estuary, chum salmon, hatchery trout in lakes, sea-run cutthroat, and summer steelhead in the Town lake.

The fishery summaries are geared to the novice rather than the expert, but the rich color photographs of the fish and fishery scenes will be appreciated by the most experienced angler.

Although the book is geared to fly anglers, all of the fisheries described are engaged by anglers fishing traditional gear as well, so this would make a great gift for any angler interested in exploring the Oregon Coast.



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3 Responses to Fly Fishing Pacific City: New Book Released by Jay Nicholas

  1. two dogs says:

    This is s great read. Is applicable along the coast.
    Thanks for all of the research Jay.

  2. Henry Hoffman says:

    HI Jay, I’m the with the Rain Land Fly Casters club in Astoria and we would like to have you come and do a program for our club. We meet the 3rd Thursday each month at 7 pm. I’m the current program chairman, please contact me if you would like to do a presentation for us.

  3. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    Thank you henry, I believe we are set for January. Let’s talk in December. Best Regards JN

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