President Obama protects Bristol Bay

President Obama took action to protect one of Alaska’s most powerful economic engines and one of America’s greatest national treasures: Bristol Bay.

He signed a Presidential Memorandum that withdraws these beautiful and pristine waters from all future oil and gas drilling. “These waters are too special and too valuable to auction off to the highest bidder,” the President said.

Great post here.

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1 Response to President Obama protects Bristol Bay

  1. Mike Dixon says:

    So the great father in DC stopped the dreaded oil and gas drilling in Bristol Bay, did not read a word about the Pebble Mine for precious metals….what gives with that? Wasn’t that what this whole deal was about, hell we have plenty of oil and gas right here in the lower 48 (even without the public lands which have seen no exploration whatever under this administration)…let’s hold off on the high 5’s and victory laps around the room until we find out that the “O the magnificent” killed the Pebble Mines project!!! Nice political move giving all the credit to the native corporations who are often near the epi-center of the money grab up there.

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