Dear Chris: Note from the coast on Nov 11, 2013

Dear Chris: sorry I have not been answering any of your emails of late. Been fishing. Dawn to dark, day after day. Moving around a lot north to south. Best salmon season ever. Not talking numbers or size, but diversity of conditions and new discoveries. Fishing flies intended for steelhead, Albacore and trout – and catching Chinook. Fishing single hand rods, spey rods, and switch rods; floating lines and super fast sinkers – all have their place given water conditions. Fishing in tide, in the bays, in rivers – and finding salmon in all. Never had a season like this. Never. throw out the book on flies and lines and places and retrieves and tides and flows.  So much fun. Skunk days seeing fish were as memorable as the days when the fish cooperated. Shiny fish and dusky fish. Big fish and little Jacks. This is the time for South Coast chinook, right now. This year. Excuse me please, I’ll get back to you in January. You ought to re-send all your emails to me after the first of the year. Thanks for your understanding. Hope your time in NZ is half as good as mine is here. If so, you are grinning ear to ear.

Jay Nicholas, heading out at 5:29 AM, again.

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5 Responses to Dear Chris: Note from the coast on Nov 11, 2013

  1. Two dogs says:

    Way to go, Jay!! Just know that we are all wating to do the same. After everything this year, you deserve a “good fish”. Happy Vets day!

  2. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    Thanks. Proud to have served our country. Deep in fish at the moment and grateful to be able to enjoy the wild and hatcher salmon we have here in Oregon, in 2013. JN

  3. fred *derf* hayes says:

    Thanks soooo much Jay! You are the MAN…
    wish my time could be spent like yours…sooo KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK MAN!

  4. David Jensen says:

    You are so generous. One little favor. Give me your address, when you are leaving home, and your license plate. I have been casting over rolling Coho in the few places to fly fish when it is too low to boat the Siuslaw. Desparatly needing help. Santiam….. North or South? Alsea? Siuslaw? Hopleless in Vida.

  5. Jack/Flyman says:

    Jay was a “fly fishing machine” all through the last 3 months of 2013. What a privilege to have fished near him a good part of this time. From first light to last light, rain, wind, and all the usual bad weather one might expect on the Oregon Coast, Jay was driving flies out into the tidewaters and rivers, and hooking up on king, after king, after king (Bill Schaadt move over). Jay is the real thing! I he comes out with a new book on salmon fly fishing – he was certainly catching salmon in ways that blew away most of the old and traditional techniques. Jay, you are one of the very best to ever come along. Keep up the great work!

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