Upper McKenzie Slowing Down But Still a Great Day Out


Our fantastic warm rainy days of June are behind us and the upper McKenzie is at levels not seen at this time of year in several years. Low water and bright sun are not the perfect combination for mid-day results, however if you fish the fast water, abrupt drop offs and bubbly edges enough you will find fish. There are enough golden stone flies around that fish will still eat a Half Down Golden or an Aane’s Mojo Stone. It’s a good idea to drop an Ice Prince Nymph or a smaller Possie Bugger off of the stone for a hopper dropper rig. For the very best results fish the last hours of the day with Elk Hair Caddis in Yellow, Tan or Brown, and Parachute Adams in sizes #14 and #16.





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1 Response to Upper McKenzie Slowing Down But Still a Great Day Out

  1. Stevie says:

    I fished some pretty water above McKenzie Bridge last week. The fish were on bwos mid-morning. Rather small 18 and 16s.

    Such gorgeous wild redsides!

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