Good wood!
According to Trout Unlimited State Council Chair Tom Wolf, HB 2396, the large Woody Debris Bill, and one of TU’s top priorities in this 2013 Oregon legislative session, has come out of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee with a “Do Pass” recommendation. There was no opposition to the bill and now it will go to House floor for a vote, within this next week.
This is a good start fro 1 of TU’s top priorities this session. This bill would keep private landowners from removing Large Woody Debris from streams on their propery unless they obtain a removal permit from the Department of State Lands.
Dams going down
Communities in 19 states, working in partnership with non-profit organizations and state and federal agencies, removed 62 dams in 2012, American Rivers announced today. The dam removals will restore 400 miles of streams for the benefit of fish, wildlife and people across the country. Full list here.
Native Fish Society Science Report
In his February 2013 Conservation Report Bill Bakke, Native Fish Society Director of Science and Conservation, presents his monthly review of the latest science and research on wild, native fish. This month’s collection is chock full of the good stuff! Topics include: Bears and their Movable Feast; Umpqua Coho Genetic Pedigree Study; ODFW Contracted to Develop Wild Chinook Surrogates; Finches, Starlets, Shakespeare and Societies of Acclimation; The Economics of British Columbia’s Recreational Fishery; The Hunt to Remove Northern Pike from NE Washington Watersheds; and The Startling Economics of Producing A Hatchery Steelhead for Harvest.