Greg Senyo: Steelhead Alley Outfitters Owner, Fly Tyer, Guide and Instructor Coming to Town

Greg Senyo Steelhead Alley outfitters

greg senyo steelhead alley

Greg Senyo of Steelhead Alley Outfitters and Lake Erie Steelhead fameĀ  will be in the Willamette Valley for the Northwest Fly Tyers Expo as well as tying demos and classes at The Caddis Fly in Eugene. Greg is slated to tie at the show but will also be spending time at our booth at the Albany show.

greg senyo steelhead guide

Senyo is not only a hard working guide/outfitter/fly tyer but he is also an innovator. Numerous fly tying materials like, Senyo’s Articulated Shanks, Senyo’s Laser Dub, Shaggy Dub, Wacko Hackle and more have become trout and steelhead fly tying material standards around the world.

greg senyo steelhead fishing

Senyo will be at the shop for a free fly tying demo from 1-5 pm on March 7th. After the Fly Tyers Expo and a bit of Northwest fishing Greg will return to the shop to teach a class for 8 on March 11th from 6-9pm, cost $50 per person. Give the shop a call to sign up 541 342 7005.

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1 Response to Greg Senyo: Steelhead Alley Outfitters Owner, Fly Tyer, Guide and Instructor Coming to Town

  1. mike doughty says:

    beauty of a steelhead. i love tying with the waddington shanks, they make great streamers

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