Rogue Riverkeeper has a great action page on its Website for people who want to get involved with the fight to keep Suction Dredge mining off sensitive Oregon rivers, with info on how to look up and contact your legislators.
There are currently state senate bills in play that would better protect a number of rivers around the state from suction dredge mining, and we need your help to keep them afloat.
This practice of vacuuming up the stream bottom and spitting it back out is having an increasingly detrimental effect on water quality, fish populations and the ability of fishermen, boaters and landowners to enjoy the river. Suction dredging is increasing so fast that there was a 200% increase from 2011 to 2012 in permitted suction dredge miners in Oregon, and we expect more in 2013!
The mining community is fighting any bill that would restrict suction dredging in any way. Senator Alan Bates introduced one of the bills and his office has been receiving a large amount of calls and letters telling him that they are opposed to efforts to protect our streams, rivers, fish and river-side landowners.
Senator Bates and other state senators need to hear from people now who support protecting Oregon’s rivers and streams. Please write them a letter telling them you value clean water, healthy fish populations and quiet recreational opportunities, and you support efforts to protect those values!