Cooler Temps Improve High Summer Fishing

McKenzie river trout

Recent overcast days have made fishing on the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers excellent this past week. Hopper dropper rigs, Green Drakes, Half Down Golden Stones, Brown Caddis, Parachute Adams, Ice Prince Nymphs and Possie Buggers have all been productive patterns.

Fly fishing the Mckenzie river

Perfect water conditions are present throughout the Willamette Valley. Wading and boating options are available on the McKenzie, Willamette and numerous tributaries. It’s high Summer with great fishing opportunities all over.

dali lama meets rainbow trout

I rarely fish streamers in the McKenzie but had Capt. Mike Costello in the boat for a killer day on the Upper McKenzie. We played around in some of the deeper pools with limited success but did get this nice fish to grab Dali Lama.

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2 Responses to Cooler Temps Improve High Summer Fishing

  1. Ed Barth says:

    Hey out there, I am heading up to Paradise Campground on the McKenzie and wondering about any tips or what to watch out for on the float from Paradise down to Mckenzie Bridge, I have never made the float before. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks

  2. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    Hi Ed, the rowing from Paradise to McKenzie is pretty advanced/difficult. Lots of quick, precise maneuvering between exposed rocks. If you’re in a raft, it’ll be fine. In a hard boat, I wouldn’t recommend that stretch unless you’re an expert oarsman.

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