Baja Fly Fishing Report


Our fiend Chad Helms just returned from Cabo San Lucas and provided this report. Nice Fish Chad!


Just got back from a 9 day fishing trip down to Cabo. I met up with and stayed with my good friend Stacy Corbin and his wife from Alaska, who owns Mystic Waters Fly Fishing. Stacy had his 24′ ft Cobia parked in a slip at the marina, which couldn’t have made fishing any easier.


We usually started the day fishing on the Pacific, but the winds would end up forcing us to run over to the Sea of Cortez side. There were plenty of fish around inshore, so that is where we spent all of our time. There weren’t a lot of Tuna, Dorado, or Wahoo around, but the marlin were just starting to show up. We caught the usual suspects……..Jacks, Roosters, Sierra, and Yellow Tail.





The Sierra were in pretty thick and you never knew when you would encounter them, so we fished with wire tippet most of the time and it ended op costing us some big Roosters and Yellow tail. They were pretty picky and usually wouldn’t touch a fly with wire on it. Our friend Roberto threw the teaser rod most of the time for us with a Rebel “Jumpin Minnow” on it. It was amazing how it drove the fish crazy and brought them up. There were times when there were 10-12 Roosters or Jacks chasing the plug. Pretty cool to see.


There were a couple of days when the wind was really blowing and we ended up fishing from shore at some different beaches, but ended up picking up some nice roosters. It was a awesome trip and went by way too fast. I guess that is expected when there is good friends, great fishing, mucho Pacificos and fresh Sierra ceviche daily. We even fished in front of Sammy Haggar’s house a couple of times.



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1 Response to Baja Fly Fishing Report

  1. Capt. Nate says:

    That is awesome!~

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