Tons of crazy content out there on the Web. Everybody seems to be shaking off the summer doldrums and posting awesome stuff. Here’s a bunch of it, in no particular order.
After two years inactivity, the Felt Soul Media blog is back and active. They guys are working on a new film called “Amend” about the nation-wide movement behind the removal of dams and the push to restore spawning grounds for native sea run fish. See a good piece on the Elwah here. Sad bit about the Elwah, steelhead hatchery programs are causing a potential issue.
Steelie Mike presents — Ling Cod eating a halibut!
Oregon Steelhead guide and NFS River Steward Mia Sheppard took a job with the Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. Speaking of the NFS, check out photos and writeup from Fishkamp, who went on a Macroinvertebrate Survey on the Salmonberry with NFS River Steward Ian Fergusson.
Chucking Line and Chasing Tail posted some nice summer steelhead porn from the Clearwater. Bill Bakke wrote a great blog post analyzing the institutional roadblocks ODFW uses to maintain the status quo. And Jason Borger is partnering up with Jeff Kennedy to draw a fish every week on his blog. Looks awesome, check it out here.
Also, lots of new video trailers out there, including one from MOTIV (former members of AEG media), Confluence Films, and a Cape Cod striper thing we found on Moldy Chum.
Cape Cod flyfishing- video postcard from Don Himsel on Vimeo.
Thanks for the shout out…much appreciated!
Damn, not only did they foul hook a hali, but a giant ling ate it