September and October are simply fantastic when it comes to fly fishing in Oregon. There is way to much to do. Trout, Steelhead and Salmon opportunities abound. Below you will find our suggestions for flies for trout for the coming 30-50 days. Let’s hope it lasts longer yet! Just in the last week fish have moved into shallower water, spring Chinook are spawning and the light is much lower. Fishing has been great!
Half Down Golden with Orange Body. We like this one for a “hopper dropper” pattern as well as an all around big bug that can look like an October Caddis, Short Wing Stone or Golden Stone. It floats high and is very visible.
Parachute Madam X Orange Another good October Caddis Pattern. The Parachute Madam X has a slimmer profile and doesn’t sit up as high as the Half Down. We find it fishes well size 14-8.
Foam October Caddis This is a kill floater and another one of our favorite dry flies that will act as an indicator to nymphs up to size 10. This dry can fish all the way into November.
Hair Wing Gray Drake We are seeing big drakes on the upper McKenzie and Middle Fork of the Willamette now. With temperatures in the 80s for the coming days they are not likely to be a hug factor mid-day but look for them in evening and on cloudy rainy fall days.
Parachute Adams What can you say about the Parachute Adams? It works everywhere most of the time. Have a good size range in the box the time of year. Baetis to Gray Drakes size 20 to size 8.
Wilcox Variant Highly visible and durable attractor pattern that has a body color much like many of the spent mayflies you see around this time of year. When you need a pattern with a little different look to it give it a shot.
Air Flow Parachute A great wing silhouette and realistic Mayfly tails make this pattern as versatile as the Parachute Adams. Use it in still water for a Callibaetis, in slick flats on rivers for lesser Green Drakes, Baetis and Grey Drakes.
Tilt Wing Blue Winged Olive When you run into tough fish sipping stuff you can barely see they are probably eating Blue Winged Olives. Virtually all waters in the West will see a Baetis(BWO) emergence this fall.
Quigley’s Hackle Stacker Flav imitates the Lesser Green Drake or Drunella flavilinea. This Mayfly is smaller than the big Green Drake we see locally in June and July but is very important to anglers in the fall.
Q’s Victory Green Drake is a killer floater and works well on the Metolius and Upper McKenzie and Willamette drainage’s this time of year.
Septober Soft Hackle is a killer on the Rogue for adult and “Half Pounder Steelhead” but also works well for trout looking for October Caddis and Spring Chinook eggs.
Tungsten Ice Prince. One of our favorite nymphs locally and beyond. A quick sinking tough version of the traditional Prince Nymph. Have a nice size range and fish it deep or dropped off one of the fall Caddis Patterns mentioned above.
Possie Bugger. Not much to say here, if you don’t have these in your box already you need them. Both hemispheres, fresh and even saltwater versions of the “PB” crush fish. Try a size 8 for October Caddis Pupae. A #16 on the Deschutes is very underrated.
We still have a couple of spots for the Two Fly Tournament this weekend give us a call if you would like to participate.–CD
Thats the probably the prettiest cutthroat I’ve ever seen
Beautiful cutt…and yes, I have seen the rivers come alive lately. Exciting times ahead.
Great looking flies. Any chance of adding the Half Down Golden and the Q’s Victory Green Drake to the instructional video library?
Nice selection of flies,might included a small(#12) plain black woolly bugger,& of course a #12 mega prince,just because I love those 2 flies,goes along the K.I.S.S. theory keep it simple stupid,tight lines,friends.
I love the colors on that cutt!! Perfect example of the beautiful native fish we have.
that cutthroat is incredible looking
How I wish I could be there, our local waters are about to close for the season. Great fly choices, I’ve not tried most of them. And yes, that is a beautiful cutt.
that cutty is gorgeous!
What a great looking fish! This rain has my blood pumping!! Can’t wait to get out.
I have never seen some of flies you posted, thank you. gonna give them a spin in maine!
if you’re interested in a selection for the other coast here’s mine!