Sneaky Pete Checks in from the Coast

sea run cutthroat fly fishing in oregon

Sneaky Pete left home early, stopped in Eugene, and then headed to the coast around 11am. I get a fishing report (cell phone photo) around 4pm and then another around dark.

He’s at it again folks and while it’s summer in the Willamette valley, it’s definitely Fall in on the coast.

jay's fall chinook on echo ion rod

Tackle used to catch wild Oregon Sea Run Cutthroat Trout: Echo Edge 9ft 5wt, Air-Flo Ridge Supple Impact Fly Line, Clear Intermediate Air-flo Poly Leader and Borden Special Special style fly.
Tackle used to catch wild Oregon Fall Chinook Salmon: Echo Ion 9ft 9 weight, Echo Ion Fly Reel 8/10 and Clouser Minnow

This entry was posted in Fishing Reports, Oregon Salmon fly fishing, Oregon Saltwater Fishing. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Sneaky Pete Checks in from the Coast

  1. Fishkamp says:

    Rock on Sneaky Pete!

  2. Tapper says:

    more info about SRC’s and Chinook, especially around the Alsea…headed down in 2 weeks!

  3. Rich Youngers says:

    The Alsea is one of the best for SRC’s. If you have a boat do upper tidewater.


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