Winter Stonefly, Foam Body Caddis Style Fly Tying Video

Is Winter over yet? It’s been a pretty tough Winter/Spring for consistent dry fly fishing. Many have simply given into their “bobber addiction” and have come to embrace “chasing bob” down the river. Who could blame them with high water and the success of the Mega Prince and Possie Bugger.

One of the first adult insects of the Winter Spring season of note is the Winter Stonefly. The small stone is about a size #14-18, has a black body and a light wing. If you fish the upper McKenzie this early season you may see a few remaining stones. Most of the Winter Stones have come and gone on the lower river but this pattern is so simple and so easily adapted to numerous Caddis patterns I felt like it was still a useful video. Successful variations include a Yellow foam body and light Elk Wing, Tan foam body and Elk wing and an Orange foam body with Dark Elk body for an October Caddis. –CD

foam elk hair caddis

Winter Stone/Black Foam Caddis

Hook: TMC 100 or 900BL #14-18
Thread: Ultra Thread 70 Denier Black
Rib: 5x Mono
Hackle: Black Saddle Hackle
Body: Black Evasote Foam
Wing: Deer Hair

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1 Response to Winter Stonefly, Foam Body Caddis Style Fly Tying Video

  1. Ed Beitz says:

    this is one of best informational sights I’ve ever seen keep up the great work.

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