Winter Steelhead Fish Porn

oregon coast rainforest

winter steelhead fly fishing

North umpqua steelehad

Jane Holloway caught this fish on the North Umpqua. Jane is so courteous she let husband Tom and son Clay fish through the camp water first. She then followed with one of Clay’s Intruders and stuck the fish above. Nice Work Jane.

Water conditions are ideal on most of Oregon’s Winter Steelhead Rivers. We’ve had some awfully nice afternoons of late. If you have the chance, get out and enjoy.

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2 Responses to Winter Steelhead Fish Porn

  1. bob bumstead says:

    Zane Grey would approve. Doubly nice showing two of your “men” how to do it.

    Bob Bumstead

  2. Being born and raised in Oregon I have always wanted to find a way to go home. Although the fishing in Florida is unique I long to go back for the long hot Florida summers. Back to my roots on the clackamus and the columbia in North Oregon.
    Very nice article makes me homesick.

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