Dec Hogan Summer Bug Steelhead Fly

The Dec Hogan Summer Bug is tied with seriously fishy materials. A hot pink butt, purple body, mylar rib and two hackles topped with an arctic fox wing. What steelhead could pass this pattern up? Summer Steelheading is looking good all over the state of Oregon. We are hearing good reports from the Rogue, Deschutes, Willamette and McKenzie.–CD

Dec Hogan Summer Bug

Hogan Summer Bug

Hook: Alec Jackson Steelhead Iron 3,5,7
Thread: 6/0 Danville
Tag: Lagartun Flat Silver Tinsel
Butt: Danville Fluorescent Pink Floss
Tail: Dyed Pink Golden Pheasant Tippets
Body: Purple STS Trilobal Dubbing
Rib: Pearl Flat Mylar
Hackle: Purple Saddle Hackle
Hackle 2: Teal Flank
Wing: Arctic Fox
Cement: Hard as Hull

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1 Response to Dec Hogan Summer Bug Steelhead Fly

  1. David Jensen says:

    For those chasing steelhead on the McKenzie in the Greenwood Drive – Leaburg run, be on the lookout and stay out of the Chinook redds. There is a redd on the left channel of the island right at Greenwood Drive landing; it had about 8 fish in it around 9 AM today. The next one that I saw is about 1 mile down on the left bank, just as the river juts right and pours off. It is across from Stan Potter’s house (if you know him). The third is down about another mile on the right channel above the next big island which is just above Dave Schaefer’s house (if you know him).

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