In this video Jay Nicholas demonstrates how to tie a Sea Run Cutthroat baitfish style fly pattern. Sea Run’s are notorious piscavores (fish eaters) and this small baitfish pattern does a great job of imitating the helpless fry Cutthroat love to attack.
Whether you are fishing some of Oregon’s many coastal rivers containing Sea Run Cutthroats or heading to Alaska for big rainbows and Dolly’s tie a few of these simple but effective patterns. More variations are shown.–CD
Sea Run Cutthroat Baitfish Fly
Hook:TMC 5262 # 8
Thread: Petitjean Split Second Thread 8/0
Body: Lagartun Mini Braid Silver
Throat: STS Trilobal Dubbing Flame, Red and Gold Ice Dub and Blended
Wing Flash: Smolt Blue Krystal Flash
Wing: Northern Bucktail White and forest Green
Cool patterns. Thanks, Jay. Appreciate the work put into these.