TU meeting Weds — Captain Nate on fly fishing the Oregon Coast

June TU meeting Weds 6/9 at 7pm: Captain Nate Stansberry talks fly fishing Oregon’s Saltwater Species

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This week, Captain Nate Stansberry will be providing a seminar on fly fishing the Oregon Coast, small boat safety, fishing from shore, and specific gear to tackle those turbo-charged saltwater fish on our coast. Nate will have a slideshow and gear on hand for you to check out. Don’t miss this presentation! Be there by 7pm at the Eugene Eagles Lodge, 1375 Irving Rd. Free and open to the public.

PLEASE NOTE: The participation was low in the last month’s brown bag fly tying contest, so we’re com combining last month and this month’s entries into a single contest. If you have a brown bag but didn’t turn in a fly, bring it Wednesday night. If you would like to pick up a brown bag, you can get one at the Caddis Fly Shop. Grand prize is some hand-tied chinook salmon flies from guide Jeff Hickman and we’ll haven more prizes available.

For more details on the BROWN BAG:

This is an exercise that will stimulate your imagination. The goal is to make you think “outside the box”.

Each bag contains exactly the same materials. Your goal is to tie one fly from the materials in the bag. Imagination is the key here.

• You must use at least a small amount of every material provided in the bag.
• You may not add, subtract or substitute any materials from the bag.
• The only thing not provided in the bag is thread. You may use any
color thread you desire.
• You must return the completed fly to the meeting the following month
for it to be placed in the competition.

General Information:
You may purchase a “brown bag special” before the meeting or during the break. Funds go toward TU room rental costs. When you return the tied fly to the meeting the following month, the flies from all participants will be displayed and the members will vote on the best fly tied.

Also, bring six flies for the fly swap!



-Tie or purchase 6 flies.
-Bring those 6 flies to the meeting.

Each participant will bring 6 flies to the meeting. These flies can be tied by you, by someone else or purchased. The 6 flies you bring will be presented as a “set”. These flies do not have to be identical or even the same pattern, you simply have to have six flies to participate.

After all the sets are submitted, you will draw a number from the bucket.

The number you draw will determine the order that you get to choose your flies. Example: If you are number one, you get to choose any set of flies. If you are number two, you can choose the set you want from the remaining sets of flies. Etc.

See you Weds. MS

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1 Response to TU meeting Weds — Captain Nate on fly fishing the Oregon Coast

  1. David Jensen says:

    An excellent program. Thanks, Capt. Nate.

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