Big fishing day in the Register-Guard on 4/20

Save your local newspaper from Tuesday, as the Register-Guard featured three blog regulars. RG columnist Bob Welch profiled Wooden Drift boat and Town Run Steelhead obsessed Greg Hatten. “He is part artist, part mad scientist, and part lighthearted ambassador to the fishing wonders of Oregon”.

Greg Hatten Steelhead Maniac

Rhody Parade

Also, RG outdoors columnist Mike Stahlberg outlined the stocking changes on the McKenzie River and the article features photos by Matt and a shot of Ethan Nickel with a huge Redside Rainbow Trout. Fish like this are the reason we need to end stocking on the McKenzie River.

McKenzie River Wild Trout


REMINDER: U of O Law School is showing Red Gold Thursday night, $3 for non-students!

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1 Response to Big fishing day in the Register-Guard on 4/20

  1. Rob R says:

    Couldn’t ask for a better Ambassador!!

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