Reminder: McKenzie River Watershed Council discusses hatchery program

Tonight, McKenzie River Native Trout advocates should plan on attending the McKenzie River Watershed Council meeting at the Campbell Senior Center 155 High St. in Eugene. Dinner at 5:00, meeting at 5:30pm.

MRWC is hosting a panel discussion on the various options for trout management on the McKenzie River. The five panelists include Trout Unlimited, the McKenzie Fly Fishers, Dave Vazquez, the McKenzie River Guides Association and the Vida Store. Each panelist will get 5 minutes to express their perspective; after each initial presentation, other panelists, council members and the audience will ask questions of that panelist. After all initial presentations, members of the audience will get an opportunity to express opinions that they felt were not presented by a panelist; panelists will get 2 minutes to make final comments.

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