Step Up for Native Fish this Saturday


I’ve prepared a special set of Intruders for this year’s Native Fish Society auction and banquet. Some happy steelheader will go home with six flies, all of which were specially tied over this past weekend, representing over 16 painstaking hours at the vise. Not only do they represent considerable effort in the tying, but their design is the culmination of two years of intense development and on-the-water testing. Several key refinements have been added here, including the use of tentacular grizzly hackle tips in place of Lady Amherst for added movement and contrast. My nerdy fishing pals will begrudgingly attest to the effectiveness of these flies. If they hesitate, it’s only because they’re still sore from having their pockets picked. But you can take it from me: these flies are worth the time and trouble.

This coming Saturday marks the Native Fish Society’s 14th annual auction and banquet. The event will again be held in Northwest Portland, at the Mongomery Park building. Tickets are $75 each, and include a fantastic meal. Here’s a link to details:

Many of Oregon’s finest fly guides donate special trips to the auction as fundraisers. The list of available trips, gear and non-fishing items is world-class–maybe the finest to be found anywhere ( Somewhere way down on that list is a trip for two led by yours truly–should go real cheap!

The Native Fish Society is my favorite organization. It is specifically dedicated to the preservation and restoration of native fishes and their habitats in Oregon. Bill Bakke, the group’s visionary founder, has devoted his life to defending our endemic salmonids–the sacred core of human culture in the Pacific Northwest. So, in my world, where salmon, steelhead and trout reign supreme, Bakke and his team are my spiritual leaders. They hold the line for all of us salmophiles, under incredible pressure, arming themselves with a heady blend of science and common sense. In my opinion, all of us who care about our rivers and our fisheries owe them a great deal of gratitude and support.

I sincerely hope you will save the date and join me in supporting the Native Fish Society this weekend. There will still be plenty of time for fishing!–RR

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7 Responses to Step Up for Native Fish this Saturday

  1. Rick Allen says:

    Those are some sexy looking intruders!

    Thank you Native Fish Society for all you do with helping to keep our rivers wild.

    Sorry I’ll miss the banquet in Portland

  2. M00n says:

    Monica and I will be unable to attend also, but – this does remind me to get our membership into the NFS…. Thank you NFS and all those who support wild fish hear in Oregon.

  3. Jay Nicholas says:

    Rob is not simply the most bodacious Intruder Tyer, he is also a fine example of dedication to the future of wild Pacific salmon and all the critters that were and should forever be intertwined in the lives of native fish and ecosystems. Long story short: Rob, thanks. You Rock!


  4. G Hatten says:

    Thanks for all you do for the “Natives” RR – it’s a pleasure to watch you work your magic… I might just make that dinner – just so I can bid on your intruders, but then – I’ll have to decide if I should fish em or put em under glass.

  5. Rick Allen says:

    Here, here!

  6. Rob R says:

    I’m still trying to figure out how do actually DO something of substance for our fish…but thanks for the encouragement!

  7. Rich says:

    You are doing something of substance for our fish. Keep up the good work!!

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