Saturday afternoon, I’ll be on the local outdoors AM radio call-in program talking about the plight of our native McKenzie River redside trout. The show starts at noon, and I should be on around 12:15. The station is KPNW AM 1120, and the show is called Pursuit of the Wild. If you want to call in and ask questions or show support one way or the other, call 541-485-5769 or 888-576-9888. You can also email questions and comments to:
This is great news and taking this hot topic straight to the general tax paying public is long over due. Please describe how the state of Oregon and ODFW are wasting tax dollars.
And for allowing the magnificent McKenzie to be managed by the lowest common denominator. She deserves much better.
And that your not as short as you sound on the air…..
no wait – i just ment some guys have a face for radio…
good luck bro
McKenzie River clone wars! Thanks for not turning to the dark side of the force.
I hope you are able to reach many listeners. I am a strong supporter of any conservation effort. Go get em.
Did any record this broadcast? I was work and really wanted to hear it.