Bass in Blue River Reservoir
According to ODFW, largemouth bass were introduced into Blue River Reservoir, illegally probably sometime in the mid to late 1990’s. ODFW has been observing large bass in the reservoir since 2004 and many have reached the 3-5 pound range. Largemouth bass are not well suited to live in the McKenzie or most of its backwaters, however, it is too early to tell what impact these fish will have on the system in the end. Although, they should not be as problematic as smallmouth that do seem to thrive better in streams and cooler waters, ODFW would prefer they were not there and that the trout community was more intact. The largemouth will likely alter many management options ODFW might have had for Blue River Reservoir (such as reintroduction of spring Chinook salmon).
Oregon Carp-Man endorses Sage VT2
John Montana, Oregon Carp on the fly guru says the 9 ft 6 inch 7 wt. Sage VT2 is the perfect rod for serious carping. “Simply put, it’s an ideal carp rod. The tip is fast enough that you can shorten your casting stroke and punch into the wind, or you can open it up a bit and feel the rod flex into the butt section. I generally prefer slower rods, and this is a really nice mix.”
Completely awesome: Drift fly fishing film
Pete at Fishing Jones somehow managed to review a new fly fishing DVD called Drift, from Confluence Films. Based on the trailer and Pete’s review, this is the most exciting fishing movie I’ve seen since Running Down The Man.
Muskie on the fly
Also via Fishing Jones, a review of the new Wild River Press book Muskie on the Fly. “Muskie on the Fly falls in line with other books from Wild River Press in that it is obsessive, compulsive, and encyclopedic in its depth of coverage. And that it is packaged as an expensive glossy hardcover. Reading this book will shorten your dues-paying casts from 10,000 down to about 8,000.”
Muskie excerpt on Midcurrent. My brother and I bought it this week, and it does not disappoint. There are some really great fly tying ideas, tactics for big streamer patterns that I plan to apply to my saltwater game.
Monster Black Rockfish on the Oregon Coast
Speaking of saltwater fly fishing, check this pig out: 7lb, 22-inch black rockfish off the Oregon Coast that my brother caught last Sunday.
Sea-run cutthroat, Steelhead hybrid in Puget Sound
From Buster Wants to Fish “Enter the steelhead/coastal cutt hybrid; big, fast and badasss. Sultan of the Sound, Czar of Sloughs, Scourge of Sculpins, Do Not Test the mighty steelthroatcutthead!” Photo evidence.
Bull Trout Segment on Oregon Field Guide:
Testing a feature of the OPB Website… click below for an online video segment on Bull Trout in Oregon.
Lamprey decline bodes poorly for salmon
From the Seattle PI: Once hundreds of thousands of lamprey, weighing many tons, supported commercial harvests at Willamette Falls near Oregon City. Bonneville Dam counts bounced around 400,000 in the 1960s, compared with the 14,000 counted this year. In a roundabout way, the lamprey’s decline may hold a high cost for salmon. Young salmon are thought to feed on juvenile lamprey, benefiting from the lamprey’s high fat content.
Oregon Senate Race could bring up breaching Snake River Dams
From Rocky Barker at the Idaho Statesman: “Incumbent Republican Gordon Smith has made protecting the four lower Snake dams on the Snake River in Washington a foundation of his own energy policy, following the roadmap of President George Bush in 2004 and Democrat Maria Cantwell in 2006. His Democratic challenger, Oregon Speaker of the House Jeff Merkley, has not endorsed dam breaching. But he has said the magic words that please salmon advocates, he’s keeping his options open.”