Lots of March Browns on the lower McKenzie yesterday, big bugsĀ — size 12 helicopters flying all over the river. We picked up some fish in likely spots — soft water, inside turns on riffles. We used 2-fly rigs — one possie bugger and a March Brown soft hackle.
Regular partridge and brown softhackles would work, but Chris has a couple of secret patterns for March Brown emergers — you’ll have to hound him to give them up.
We drifted Hayden Bridge to Armitage Park. Rising McKenzie River water levels and cold temps left the fish sluggish, but we did land a handful of cutthroats and rainbows.
Two days ago, I pulled three cutthroats off of the island below Armitage, wading. They were in shallow frogwater and they hit March Brown Sparkle Duns on top. But if you plan to wade downstream from Armitage, expect crowds. I have been there around 3pm and had to fish with 3 other people every time I’ve been there.