Tony Torrence ties a spring trout march brown nymph using some of the buggiest materials around — Hare’s Ear and Pheasant Tail. Therefore, we’re calling this the Pheasant Ear. You gotta love the little flash on the wingcase.
Torrence’s Pheasant’s Ear Nymph
Hook: TMC 3769 Sizes 8-16
Bead: Gold Bead—Tungsten or Std.
Tail: Brown Goose Biot
Rib: Copper Brassie Ultra Wire
Abdomen: Pheasant Tail
Wingcase: Brown Medalliion Sheeting
Single Strand Flashabou Lateral Scale
Thorax: Hare’s Ear Dubbing and CDC using Marc Petitjean Magic tool and Dubbing loop.
Comments: Finish Wingcase with Clear Cure Goo.