In this video, Simon ties a proven Bluewing Olive (BWO) Emerger. Bluewinged Olives generally hatch on cloudy, overcast days. Because of the cooler, sometimes wet conditions, it can take them longer to emerge and dry their wings. Due to the conditions, the insects also often hatch in a short window and there are a lot of bugs. The fish key in on this and particularly target the insects breaking free from their shuck. Fishing this fly is so productive because it imitates the easy meals that the trout key in on when there are an abundance of naturals on the surface. Times like this its important for your fly to stand out.
This fly uses a newer dubbing from our friends over at Semperfli called Kapok dubbing. It comes from the seed pods of a tropical plant and is extremely hydrophobic. Semperfli claims it can suspend 30 times its own weight! We like it because of how tightly it dubs for small dry flies; this helps you reduce bulk and create a natural taper on the body. Snowshoe rabbit is naturally hydrophobic, and sheds water quickly. Due to those animals having to live on snow for most or at least a portion of the year, the fur on the bottoms of their feet is extremely hydrophobic. This makes for a great dry fly wing material.
Snowshoe BWO Emerger
Hook- Tiemco TMC206BL: Size 16
Thread- Semperfli Nanosilk 50D: Black
Shuck- EP Trigger Point Fibers: March Brown
Body- Semperfli Kapok Dubbing: BWO
Hackle- Whiting Cape: Light Dun or Keough Saddle Value Pack: Lt Dun
Wing- Hareline Snowshoe Rabbit Foot: Dark Dun
UV Resin- Solarez Bone Dry
Bobbin- Stonfo Steeltech Bobbin
Vise- Renzettti Traveler 2304