Beetle Juice: Terrestrial Fly Tying Tutorial

In this video, Simon ties a quick and easy terrestrial pattern which is deadly during mid to late summer into early to mid fall. When fish are keyed in on terrestrials, sometimes they will prefer them even over aquatic insects which make up the majority of their diet. The fly features Rainy’s new pre-cut 3 segment foam Gorilla Bodies which are perfect for tying beetle or cricket sized terrestrials. They also come in 4 and 5 segment sizes. The 4 segment would be great for hoppers which have slightly longer bodies, and the 5 segment would make a great stonefly or salmonfly imitation. Fish this fly solo, or tag a small dropper below. The foam provides a significant amount of buoyancy, so tagging on a nymph below works great. When fish are keyed in on the smaller terrestrials, you definitely will want some of these in your box. This fly will fish great locally late in the summer. Late summer it will crush on spring creeks with grassy banks in areas like the Driftless. Fish it and let us know what you think!

Beetle Juice

Hook- Ahrex 530 Sedge Dry: Size 12

Thread- Semperfli Nanosilk 50 Denier: Black

Body- Rainy’s 3 Segment Gorilla Body: Purple

Dubbing- Hareline Ice Dub: Peacock &  Hareline Micro Fine Dry Dub: Purple

Legs- Montana Fly Company Small Barred Sexi-Floss: Grey

Wing- Montana Fly Company Widow’s Web: Smoke & Hareline Krystal Flash: Pink

Hackle- Whiting Black Saddle

UV Resin- Solarez Bone Dry

Bobbin- Smhaen Tension Bobbin

Vise- Renzetti Traveler 2304

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