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The North Umpqua Foundation Auction is currently live. Click here to view items for bid. You can also simply make a donation here.

Founded in 1983 when anglers and other concerned parties banded together to oppose a hydroelectric project that could have had an irreversible impact on the river. The project was defeated, but other threats loomed for the well-being of the river and its anadromous fish—from the poaching of native steelhead in Steamboat Creek to the deterioration of sensitive spawning grounds. Since that first victory, the Foundation has remained intact to protect and advocate for a river that can’t speak for itself.

The North Umpqua River has seen a large number of hits lately from two massive fires, low steelhead returns leading to closure of fishing until December 1st, and increased water temperatures.  The Foundation is committed to be part of the solution and projects we are actively working on include the following:

  • Habitat Restoration Projects like culvert repair and replacing vegetation due to the fire loss.
  • Smolt counts and snorkel surveys
  • Water temperature monitoring
  • Scholarships for college students that are doing research
  • Big Bend Pool caretaker for education and protection from poachers
  • And more

All of this is only doable through your support.  We hope that you will consider looking at these generously donated auction items and place a bid or even just make a donation.

Thank you 

TNUF Board

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