Early August Willamette Valley Fishing Report


Cooler water temperatures will be found in the upper reaches of both the McKenzie and Willamette. Best fishing is taking place early and late in the day. Hatches have been minimal with most activity during the coolest parts of the day. Small tan caddis #14-16, Parachute Adams #16-18, Pale Morning Duns #16 have been effective when fish are rising. Larger (#8-12) attractors like Chubby Chernobyls, Hippy Stompers, Stubby Chubby, Fat Angie will bring fish to the surface in fast water. We caught our best fish this Saturday in fast water with large structure near by, banks and shade were also vital.Both the McKenzie and Willamette “mainstems” have had recent “bumps” of water from tributaries and dam releases. These water releases have helped keep water levels and water temperatures at decent levels and we are very lucky to not be dealing with “hoot owl” fishing regulations.

Steelhead fishing has been better than last year on the Middle Willamette with most fish being caught closer to Dexter Dam, MOAL Leeches, How Bo Speys have been taking fish. Speaking of Steelhead all indications are that there will be a season on the Deschutes this year. The North Umpqua is getting plenty of love this year and fishing seems about as tough as ever. Anglers can expect to put in their time to have success on the North.

If you have time to sign up for our Citizen Science Project and enter some water temperature data we would love to add more info to the project here: https://citsci.org/projects/hot-homewaters-taskforce All waterways are welcome.

Good Luck out there!

This entry was posted in Fishing Reports, McKenzie River, Middle Fork Willamette River fishing, North Umpqua River Fishing Reports. Bookmark the permalink.

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