Spring 2021 Guide Special on Now through April 15th


Each Spring we are reminded of how fortunate we are to have the Lower McKenzie and Willamette rivers within such close proximity to the Eugene area. When conditions align, there is potential for exceptional trout fishing.

Current water conditions and weather are ideal to get out for an early look at the lower McKenzie and Willamette rivers. Let’s hope this continues through the spring. Our spring guide special will continue through April 15th, 2021.

If you would like to experience what the Lower River has to offer in Spring, take advantage of our half day special. The special includes 5-6 hours of fishing, and all tackle is provided. Anglers need only to bring lunch and beverages. The price for this “best part of the day half day” is $375 for one or two anglers.

One of the great things about this early season excursion is the varied tactics you will experience with one of our guides. Indicator nymphing, euro nymphing, swinging and dry fly fishing can all be done in the span of a few hours. It’s a really cool time of year.

Call the shop for a reservation. 541 342 7005

This entry was posted in Classes and Instruction, Fly Fishing Travel, Lower Willamette, McKenzie River, Middle Fork Willamette River fishing. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Spring 2021 Guide Special on Now through April 15th

  1. steve petersen says:

    I am coming to Eugene from Minnesota on Wed next week for a golf trip. I have a few days to explore before my group comes in. I am a decent fisherman but novice fly fisherman. Just solo. Fine to join a group. April 9 or 10th would work for me. Do you have availability?



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