Columbia Salmon and Steelhead Threatened with new Non-Tribal Commercial Gillnetting Policy. 3 Ways to Say NO!



From Native Fish Society

The Columbia river is co-managed by Oregon and Washington State. It is time for all of us NFS’ ers to join forces and raise our voices against the 5-4 decision to allow non-native commercial gill nets back into the Columbia.

Last Friday, Washington’s Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to reform their Salmon Management policy in the Columbia River, and restore non-tribal commercial gillnetting practices in the main stem of the Columbia. This practice has NOT been allowed since 2016!

Despite the depleted state of runs of Salmon and Steelhead in the Columbia, and opposition from 40 state legislators, many conservation groups, and sportfishing businesses, this was their decision.

There is a severe lack of understanding and study about gill net release mortality. This includes net-drop out mortality, post-release survival on by-catch steelhead, and no account for the sub-lethal effects on reproductive performance to steelhead that do survive and make it to their spawning gravel.

There are alternate technologies and fishing methods that need our support and attention, such as pound traps. Read more here.

Please help us act NOW to help us undo this harmful decision. Below are several ways you can immediately stand against this decision and stand up for critical runs of Salmon and Steelhead, currently at risk.

1. Send an email to your Washington State Representative (find yours here), and demand action to reverse this decision.

Email Sample
I believe that restoring non-native commercial gill nets to the Columbia River, a practice that has not occurred since 2016, is a step backward for rebuilding depleted stocks of salmon and steelhead.

This decision is not inline with the recovery plan for our Salmon and Steelhead, including Summer Steelhead, and is inconsistent with the recovery plan goals for the wild Salmon and Steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Please talk with your constituency, and vote for legislation that will block this harmful practice. Please take a stand for our wild runs of native fish.

2. Call Governor Jay Inslee’s office at 360-902-4111, ask him to step in and reverse this harmful policy decision.

Call to Governor’s office Sample

Hi, my name is ___________

I believe that restoring non-native commercial gill nets to the Columbia River, a practice that has not occurred since 2016, is a step backward for rebuilding depleted stocks of salmon and steelhead.

This decision is not inline with the recovery plan for our Salmon and Steelhead, including Summer Steelhead, and is inconsistent with the recovery plan goals for the wild Salmon and Steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Please use your authority as governor and reverse this harmful decision made by the WDFW commission on September 18th, 2020. Please take a stand for our wild runs of native fish.

3. Send an email to Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife Commission at and ask them to remain firm on Oregon’s Columbia River Basin Salmon Management policy.

Hi, my name is ___________ and I reside in _______________ state.

Please hold Washington State’s WDFW commission accountable for their recent vote to restore non-native commercial gill netting to the Columbia River, a practice that has not occurred since 2016, is a step backward for rebuilding depleted stocks of salmon and steelhead.

The Columbia River is a co-managed resource between our states, and it seems Washington state is NOT acting in accordance with the recovery plan goals for wild Salmon and Steelhead.

Please take a stand for our wild runs of native fish.

Please Act Now!

This entry was posted in Oregon Conservation News, Oregon Salmon fly fishing, Oregon Winter Steelhead Fishing, Summer Steelhead. Bookmark the permalink.

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