Midnight Fire Balanced Leech Fly Tying Video – Rob Hrabik

In this video, fly fishing guide and ultra-mellow guy, Rob Hrabik stopped by to tie a favorite Pyramid Lake, NV. fly he uses for huge Lahontan cutthroat trout, the Midnight Fire Balanced Leech.

Using sewing pins and tungsten weights to keep the fly level or “balanced” to reduce snagging and increase hook-ups, the Midnight Fire Balanced Leech incorporates only a few materials of Simi Seal Dub & Midnight Fire Ice Dub blended together in one of Rob’s classic dubbing loops giving the fly great segmentation and durability.

Designed to be fished deep on a strip these flies would be great for smallmouth, largemouth, pike, and other large fishy critters.


Midnight Fire Balanced Leech
Hook: Daiichi 4660 Sizes 6-10
Pin: Sewing/Upholstery Pin Size 17
Bead: Black Nickel Tungsten Bead 1/8″
Thread: UTC Black 140D
Tail: Black Maribou & Black Krystal Flash
Body: Midnight Fire Ice Dub & Black Simi Seal Dub (waxed dubbing loop)
Glue: Zap A Gap

Fly Now Available at Caddis Fly: Midnight Fire Balanced Leech

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