From Native Fish Society
Last month, we took a big step forward in our efforts to ensure wild winter steelhead in southwest Oregon are healthy, not overharvested, and remain abundant for all (read the complete update here). But we’re not there yet…
It’s time to turn out even more support for the upcoming ODFW Commission meeting on January 17, 2020 when the Commission will take a formal vote.
A huge thanks to all of the supporters who came to testify at December’s ODFW Commission meeting, especially those who made the long trek from southern Oregon and beyond. Your voices matter and helped make this issue a full agenda item for the upcoming Commission meeting on January 17, 2020. At this meeting, the ODFW Commission will take a vote on whether to implement the grassroots-driven petition after hearing one last time from the public. This is a critical opportunity for public comment and we need to fill the room again to show ODFW commissioners the public passion and support for proactively managing for helathy, abundant wild steelhead in SW Oregon.
Here’s what you can do:
1.Prepare 3 minutes of testimony.
2.Show up at ODFW Headquaters by 11am on January 17. Sign up to testify on the agenda sheet located in the hall. [The petition is Agenda Item E and may begin either proceeding or following the lunch break depending on the flow of the day’s meeting.]
3.Ask a friend to join you. It’s easier and more fun to do this with friends.
4.Reply to this email and let us know we should expect you and any friends.
And if you haven’t already, please join us in advocating for these iconic fish by signing the petition today!
For abundant wild fish,
Jennifer Fairbrother
Conservation Director
PS: Coming from afar and looking for a carpool? We have folks volunteering to drive others from SW Oregon and other locales. We also have funds available to assist in offsetting travel costs. Get in touch and let us know how we can help you get to Salem.