Doug Brutocao was recently my guest at our family cabin in beautiful downtown Woods, suburb of Pacific City, where he and Joe fished for salmon while I chased fruitlessly the elusive sea run Cutthroat in no fewer than three nearby coastal rivers.Doug and Joe caught a few salmon – kings and silvers if i remember correctly – with a grueling hours to fish statistic.
SALMON REPORT EARLY OCTOBER 2019. If you are one of the lucky anglers in the right place and time you’ll go home smiling, thinking that this season’s run if just great or at least perfectly fine.
Jim Terborg brought this fine chinook to the net last week and his smile tells us all we need to know about the fishing this season.
News and Reviews on Aquaflies.
First the news: a new series of tube flies for steelhead and salmon fishers has been released and is available through the Caddis Fly
Angling Shop, and these are a magnificent addition to the already excellent offering in the Aquaflies catalog.
Here is one of the new tube flies, Jason Osborn’s Sputnik Tube, this one in purple.
And here is a screen shot of the entire sputnik line up – I am impressed with these flies and highly recommend that tyer and angler make sure to carry at least a few of these on the water in the fast approaching season(s).
New Product
release by
equal;oies: Doug is in the process of bagging and labeling some NEAT NEW Shrimp eyes that are flourescent. Ive seen a pile of these on my dining table in Woods and can vouch for the quality bling they will shortly bring to our tier’s bench.
Here is my iPhone photo of the new eyes, and we should have them in the shop very shortly.
And while we’re at it, I’ll add the note that Aquaflies offers a really deep bench of traditional flies, all tied to what I believe are the highest industry standards of materials, craft skills, and proportions.
Here are but a few as teasers, and kindly remember that the Caddis Fly Angling Shop can provide virtually every Aquaflies product on short notice.
Uh OH. I just realized that it is 7:19 AM.
I’m going fishing. Now. Putting a period at the end of this sentence.
Wishing each of you a good day, whether you are fishing, working, or simply making your way through your day.
Jay Nicholas, October 11, 2019