Jay’s Trout Clouser Jig Copper Crawdad Fly Tying Video

In this video, Jay ties a Trout Clouser Jig “Copper Crawdad” using an Umpqua 60 degree jig hook. This fly can be cast and stripped, swung, or fished an under indicator. This is a great fly for fishing Rainbow Trout, Brown trout, Bull Trout and Bass.


Jay’s Trout Clouser Jig Copper Crawdad

Hook: Umpqua S506H Jig #2
Thread: Danville’s 210D Brown
Cement: Loc-Tite Brush On
Eyes: Ballz Eyes Medium
Tail: UV Orange Bucktail
Body: Senyo’s Fusion Dub Crusty Nail
Wing: UV Orange Bucktail
Flash: Angel Hair Ice Wing Copper
Collar: EP Foxy Brush 3.0” (olive/brown)

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