Wild Fish Conservation Organizations Intend to Sue Idaho for Unauthorized Steelhead Fishing


From The Conservation Angler

On October 9, 2018, The Conservation Angler and four other conservation groups sent notice to Idaho officials of our intent to file an ESA Take lawsuit to protect wild Snake River Steelhead.
TCA along with Wild Fish Conservancy, Friends of the Clearwater, Snake River Waterkeeper and Idaho Rivers United sent notice to Idaho Governor Butch Otter, Idaho Fish and wildlife Commission Chair Derek Attebury, members of the Commission, and to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore and several Deputy’s of our intent to file suit against these officials for violations of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) regarding the authorization and implementation of fisheries that harm ESA-listed Snake River Steelhead.

You can read our official letter to Idaho here.
Learn more from our FAQ Backgrounder and discover additional resources about wild steelhead here.
Help us protect these wild steelhead!
David Moskowitz
on behalf of:

Pete Soverel, The Conservation Angler
Buck Ryan, Snake River Waterkeeper
Kurt Beardslee, Wild Fish Conservancy
Gary Macfarlane, Friends of the Clearwater
Kevin Lewis, Idaho Rivers United

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