Postcards from Pacific City – May 2018

Dear Friends: Here is what I’ve been up to recently in Pacific City.

Mikhail Skopets and Jay at the beach - Pacific City.

Mikhail Skopets and Jay at the beach – Pacific City.

1. My friend Mikhail Skopets visited from Russia for 4 days. He is NOT an oligarch and the only laundry we did was sheets, jeans, and socks. When we met four years ago, he had caught over a hundred fish species on flies. Now the number is pushing up against 150 species. His latest rip to PC added coastal cutthroat but failed again to add spring chinook. Maybe next time.


Mikhail Skopets in 2018 withPacific black rockfish on  a surface popper.

Mikhail Skopets in 2018 withPacific black rockfish on a surface popper.

2. Ocean fishing was decent and Mikhail caught many black rockfish. The bass were feeding heavily on crab spawn but they took our clousers and surface poppers well.

Part of the bounty from the sea at Pacific City.

Part of the bounty from the sea at Pacific City.

3. Thanks to John Harrell and Pacific City Fly Fishing, we not only caught many bass but also took home many Dungeness crab,

Jay and Jack relax while John fillets the rockfish and cook the crab.

4. My friends Ed and Guido visited one evening. The following morning dawned to bowls of empty crab shells, bits of rockfish, chips, salsa, bowls of solidified garlic butter, and a few designer beer bottles. Three hours devoted to cleaning the cabin while my friends were fishing. Ha ha.

Late seafood appetizers at the cabin.

Late seafood appetizers at the cabin.

Springer fishing is so slow that the Point is deserted – Joe and Mikhail are flyfishing in a place normally occupied by 20-40 gear anglers.

5. Springer fishing has been extremely slow. Evidence my friend Joe fly fishing alone from the Point at the Boat Hole.

6.  We fished Echo BAG Bad ASS Glass rods, Nautilus and Hatch reels, and Airflo Sniper Custom Cut Tip fast sinking fly lines. Great gear.

ECHO Bad Ass Glass fly rods on left, loaded and ready to fish.

ECHO Bad Ass Glass fly rods on left, loaded and ready to fish.

Sorry we’re short on fish photos, but sometimes the camera person chokes.

The ocean should calm down very shortly and we expect very good fly fishing for bottom fish and crab. Springers? Yes, there should be a few also.

Best Wishes to you all

Jay Nicholas – late May 2018

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