From the Seattle Times:
Cooke Aquaculture Pacific has lost the lease for its Atlantic salmon net-pen farm in Port Angeles and must shut down and remove it, said Hilary Franz, state commissioner of public lands, who terminated Cooke’s lease.
The farm, operated by a series of owners since 1984, currently holds nearly 700,000 Atlantic salmon. Franz said the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would work with other state agencies to enforce an orderly shutdown and complete removal of the farm.
Check out a great informational source on the dangers of farmed salmon in the Northwest at Our Sound Our Salmon
Of course, it is imperative that we let our representatives in government know about these dangers. But it is also imperative that we let restaurants and stores know we won’t buy it. I know, I am a partner in an Eugene restaurant. A great example for responsible food is Duke’s Seafood and Chowder in Seattle; Duke Moscrip took out a full page ad in the Seattle Times railing against farmed salmon – he serves none. Farmed salmon are innocent biologic terrorists.