From the Oregon Council of Trout Unlimited
Dear Oregon Trout Unlimited Members,
This is your invitation to participate in the annual Oregon Trout Unlimited state conservation project. On Sunday, November 5th, the Oregon Council of Trout Unlimited will be collaborating with the Mckenzie River Trust to restore an important side channel of the Mckenzie River, near Springfield, Oregon. All TU members in Oregon are invited to volunteer.
In 2015, the Mckenzie River Trust acquired the 31-acre “Chub Slough” property as part of its plan to protect 200 acres of riparian and floodplain habitat along the Mckenzie. The area we’ll be working provides high quality Chinook salmon rearing habitat and important habitat for Oregon Chub and red-legged frogs. The property serves an important function in the Oregon Chub recovery plan, and hosts a protected population on-site. You can read more about the Chub Slough property here.
For this project, we will be removing invasive species (primarily clematis, reed canary grass, and blackberry) from the riparian zone to enhance fish habitat. We recommend volunteers bring work gloves, boots, rain gear and any other good gear to stay dry and warm in case of cold weather. The Mckenzie River Trust will provide clippers, shovels, and all necessary tools.
We will meet at 10:00am at 36412 Camp Creek Road, Springfield, OR 97478, and expect to finish around 2:00pm. McKenzie River Trust will have large event signs and arrows out to help guide you off the road and toward the parking area. Due to limited parking at the site, we encourage folks to carpool to the property from the corner of 42nd St. & Marcola Rd. in Springfield.
We hope to get as many Oregon TU members together as possible to commit a few hours each for this conservation project. This is a great opportunity to meet like-minded folks, get outside, and be involved in protecting what motivated us all to join TU in the first place: freshwater and fish.
The Oregon Council’s Conservation Co-Chairs, James Fraser and Matt Query, are in charge of coordinating the volunteers for this project. Please RSVP to James ( or Matt ( if you plan on attending on November 5th, even if you cannot commit to a full day. We’d love to have you all the same.
Thank you all in advance, and we hope to see you next month!