We left Portland on Veteran’s day and flew to Los Angeles for a late evening flight to Nandi Fiji. From Nandi, a mid day flight on to Auckland. We were pretty tired from the flight and had an early dinner and then to bed. At midnight Shauna woke me and I immediately felt the swaying of our hotel building. The 9th floor was gently rocking back and forth. The swinging lasted for nearly a minute.
Shauna hopped on to GeoNet to get the most recent info on earthquakes around New Zealand and the reports were streaming in. It was shocking to know that we felt the quake in Auckland so far north of the most affected areas.
There has been widespread damage in many areas around New Zealand and much of the news is still breaking. We are very fortunate to have been able to fly from Auckland to Queenstown yesterday and begin to get settled in for our first week of fishing starting this Friday.
Thanks so much to all who emailed with concerns.
More to come from Cedar Lodge…..
Chris and Family
You have my best thoughts that you 4 remain safe, that the lodge is spared, and that the people of New Zealand get through this in good shape.