I took this fly (the Marsden Mohican) from our fellow fly anglers who fish in the UK – often in lakes for stocked trout of huge size. They seem to fish this fly as a “fry” imitator or a general attractor pattern. My own experience fishing various rabbit strip flies for steelhead and trout assures me that this fly will be a great addition to the steelhead and trout boxes we stock here in Oregon and anywhere salmonids swim.
The pattern should be tied as simply as shown, and is amenable to variations in the rabbit strip as wide as your imagination or the locally available food resources of the waters where you will fish.
Enjoy! And don’t be put off by the simple nature of the fly, it is a very promising pattern.
Jay Nicholas – summer 2016.
Marsden Mohican Rabbit Strip Fly
Hook: Daiichi 1560 #4-10
Thread: Lagartun 95d black
Body: Lagartun Flat Braid
Thorax: Senyo’s Fusion Dub
Wing: Black Rabbit Strip