Coming soon – “Advanced Intruder Strategies”

jay nicholas advanced intruder strategies cover

Yup, this will be a new book by the right honorable me, to follow on the successful book Intruder Essentials that was published last year.

What’s New in This Book?

1.  An expanded “Intruder Primer” section that covers the basics related to tying and fishing these flies.

2.  A discussion of  materials of special interest to Intruder tyers, including Ostrich, Guinea, & Marabou.

3.  A discussion of composite dubbing loops using a wide range of natural and synthetic materials.

4.  A description of six different Intruder Styles featured in this book: 1) Articulated Tube Intruders, 2) Articulated Shank Intruders; 3) Half-Intruders tied on 20mm OPST Shanks with Marble Fox Wings; 4) Mohawk Half-Intruders tied on 20mm OPST shanks with rabbit Strip wings;  5) Intruders tied on 45mm OPST shanks; 6) Tube Intruders; 6) Micro Intruders tied on tubes with and without cones; 7) flies tied on Greg Senyo’s Micro Shanks; and 8) Intruder style flies tied on traditional hooks.

5.  Step-by-step instructions for tying an Intruder, a Half-Intruder, and two Micro Intruders.

6.  Photos and recipes for 41 new Intruder-style flies, covering eight distinct styles noted above.

Advanced Intruder Strategies expands the reach of the tyer/angler by providing more detail regarding materials, composite dubbing loops, and a series of non-traditional Intruder styles. In doing so, I’m trying to expand the visual imagery of flies that we can call Intruders—if we choose—and show just how far afield any angler/tyer may stray in the quest for the perfect steelhead or salmon fly.

Greg Senyo wrote the foreword for this book, and I quote his closing remarks about Advanced Intruder Strategies:

Tie until your fingers hurt, and smile as you do, because all of this (book) is a labor of Jay’s love of fly tying and fishing . . . . . . . .”

Greg Senyo; August, 2016

Thanks for the kind words Greg.

I’m guessing that the book will be available in the next few weeks, all things cooperating, and will retail for $24.95.

Let me know if I may provide a signed copy!

Jay Nicholas, August  2016.

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1 Response to Coming soon – “Advanced Intruder Strategies”

  1. Two dogs says:

    Wow! Be looking forward. More tying to do. Thanks.

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