This is what we call a beach rig, a rusty but trusty old jeep.
Joe likes these bass just fine!
Now here’s s triple for Joe, Ed, and Josh! Did I have one too? Can’t remember……
I was hoping for albacore but no – a little Mackerel was my best for the day.
Four anglers, 7 rods, a full day, and one tuna. I napped dreamed of better days on the ocean. The boat sent me home with the solitary albacore for Chris’ family, a 20 pound fish.
Jack Harrell (center) met my dear old friends Mark and Ken from ODFW days past.
Guido caught a two tailed springer this season.
Yeah, it is nice to have spares . . . . . . .
A few sea runs are being caught, this an honest 13″
I’m working on a new book, this title will be on Sea-run cutthroat flyfishing and flies. Here is a “bee” fly from the draft.
My best to you all. May your days be good and the fish willing to take your flies/bait/lures.
Jay Nicholas, July 29th, 2016.