Getting tired of the rain or gray days? Cabin fever from high river levels? For those anglers with twisted minds: Its time for the March Brown hatch! Gray days, predicted warming air temps, and occasional showers create this annual spring ritual for fly anglers.
Mixed reports have been coming to the shop. The bugs are hatching, not many, but bugs are out. Some streams are seeing more than others. Of course, Nymphing is always a go prior to and after the warmest hours of the day. The essentials and proven winners as always are the Possie bugger and mega prince. Also, do not hesitate to use nymphs with a trailing soft hackle. The shop has a great selection of patterns both dry and wet to choose.
Soft hackles are a good bet when the hatch is still not very strong.
One of the favorites for dries is the Western March Brown. The shop is loaded with other dries to choose from as well.
This weekend looks like a good time or least on this day…a few boats were out for the March Brown hatch. Get out there and enjoy the day!