Cooler weather has the fishing on the lower McKenzie improving.
Thanks to Andrew Shipman for this report.
Hi Chris – Quick report on the lower McKenzie. Couple buddies and I were able to get out of our father responsibilities and hit the river Sunday, we floated Bellinger to Armitage. Low river levels persisted & the sun was out so we focused on deeper green runs, running two nymph rigs (mega-prince, posse bugger, various jigged nymphs, Caddis emergers, etc.). We were hoping the recent shot of rain would help the river. There was little to no surface activity all day, but fishing was good. The third time fly fisherman caught: redsides, cutthroat, whitefish, & a 19 inch sucker, but no steelhead…it took two semi-tow trucks to land this redside:
See you at the two-fly. Andrew
(Camera settings were totally “bleeped-up”, don’t let 3 year old twins play with your camera. Some redsides seems ‘skinny’ and were quickly released.)
I have noticed an amazing lack of surface feeding, even while abundant hatches were on, glad to hear someone has been doing well on the lower river. It’s been years since I landed a whitefish, I’ll pass on the sucker,…..would looove to hear the story on the “redside” Camaro…..