Mondays Can Be Brutal, Even at a Your Local Fly Shop


Fortunately no one was hurt and we have some good friends that helped us clean up and get ready for business on Tuesday. We will be open the entire time while we reconstruct the shop. No change in our seven day a week open for business schedule.




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8 Responses to Mondays Can Be Brutal, Even at a Your Local Fly Shop

  1. two dogs says:

    too bad guys….I knew Chris liked to land a little “hot” in the morning because he likes to get there first, but you need to have brakes that work Great attitude guys.

  2. Arlen says:

    Wow! Glad everyone is OK.

  3. Andy says:

    Early bird sale? Geez they were kind of anxious to get in the store. Sorry it happened

  4. KC Staubach says:

    Glad everyone’s okay. Perhaps the era of the drive thru fly shop is upon us, ready or not.

  5. Mrmachinist says:

    And I thought I had a bad Monday, only 1 trout successfully landed after hours on the river,…(and it was a planter,) then back at the parking lot my friend’s van lost it’s ignition and we waited 2 hours for a flatbed hauler,….still sounds like I had a better Monday than you guys at the shop!

  6. Rick B. says:

    Is this your idea of “Black Friday at the fly shop”?

  7. stanley says:

    Hey Guys. Guess i’m a little late for the moonlight madness sale. Will you still honor my coupons?

  8. Curtis H says:

    These comments are great! Hope you guys are well and back on track.

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