2015 NW FFF Expo – a Great Success!

Be forewarned that I was not attending as a reporter and this will not be anything like a systematic and rational recapitulation of a most excellent event that transpired Friday and Saturday, March 13 & 14, at the 2015 IFFF Expo, in Albany Oregon.

I was there both days and had a good time, reconnecting randomly with friends I haven’t seen in years. If you make it to the end of this post you will see a tiny slice of history dredged up as a consequence of my visit with an old friend.  Long time friend.  Ok, Old and longtime friend.

From a reporting standpoint, my behavior was reprehensible, because I just relaxed and wandered randomly, except for a ten minute period when I was on “assignment”.  All I had to do, for sure, if nothing else, was to take pictures of three of the fly tyers who will be featured in Modern Steelhead Flies, a long anticipated and nearing fruition book by Rob Russell and me, due for release in fall 2015!  Rob gave me the assignment and I took my best camera, but look at what I got!

Brian Silvey at 2015 IFFF Expo in Albany, Oregon

Brian Silvey at 2015 IFFF Expo in Albany, Oregon

Nick Rowell at 2015 IFFF Expo in Albany, Oregon

Nick Rowell at 2015 IFFF Expo in Albany, Oregon

Bruce  Berry at 2015 IFFF Expo in Albany, Oregon

Bruce Berry at 2015 IFFF Expo in Albany, Oregon

I sent the photos to Rob and he was not entirely convinced that I had adequately imaged these fine fly tiers.  I think he’s just being overly critical.  Ha ha. I did get a few great photos and Modern Steelhead Flies will be KILLER, so look forward to it by year’s end!

Mission accomplished, I continued to variously wander and sit to chat with people.

In completely random fashion, here are some photos I snapped.

Monica and Moon were at the show!

Monica and Moon were at the show!

Nick Wheeler ties a great fly.

Nick Wheeler ties a great fly.

Rear end view of great steelhead fly.

Rear end view of great steelhead fly.

Garren Wood ties classic steelhead flies.

Garren Wood ties classic steelhead flies.

Lisa with steelhead fly in SIMMS ball cap.

Lisa with steelhead fly in cap.

Jeff Hickman Loves Wild Steelhead.

Jeff Hickman Loves Wild Steelhead.

Trey Combs contemplates the joys of book authorship and publication.

Trey Combs contemplates the joys of book authorship and publication.

Frank Moore and Dwight Klemin at IFFF 2015 Expo.

Frank Moore and Dwight Klemin at IFFF 2015 Expo.

Oregon Bob Hooton and Jay Nicholas with 3 BC steelhead, 1984. Third steelhead and pushing button on Oregon Bob's camera by BC Bob Hooton.

Oregon Bob Hooton and Jay Nicholas with 3 BC steelhead, 1984. Third steelhead and pushing button on Oregon Bob’s camera by BC Bob Hooton. Note black rubber hip boots on Jay and Seal Dri waders on Bob. Rod is a prototype switch rod.

This was a wonderful two days.  Friends Jack and John Harrell came over from Pacific City to see the event, I met new and old friends, people tied flies like crazy,vendors sold stuff, stories were told, and promises were issued to fish and tie and visit and so forth.

This Expo has been going on for something over a quarter century (27 yrs as noted in the brochure).  Anyone who has attended knows what fun it is, and the Expo funds conservation minded projects and brings attention to worthy causes.

Lisa and I visited with our dear friends Frank and Jeanne Moore, and Frank, in full uniform from WW II era was swamped with friends and admirers.

Not many people know that the McKenzie Fly fishers “provided insertion and leadership to the FFF throughout the 50 year history of the FFF. ”

Ok. That is the random recap.  Thanks for your patience.

Jay Nicholas, March 15 2015

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2 Responses to 2015 NW FFF Expo – a Great Success!

  1. John Kreft says:


    Thanks for the wonderful review.

    Everyone I spoke with had a terrific time at this year’s Expo. It’s always quite a sight to walk into the room with several hundred people watching 72 fly tyers tying concurrently, watching casting demos, and all the vendors. I’m pleased to hear you were one of them.

    If you didn’t make it this year, join us next year on March 11 & 12, 2016.

    John Kreft, 2015 Expo Chair
    RiverKeeper Flies

  2. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    Hey John, you are being very kind. My review was scant at best mostly because I just decided to relax and enjoy myself visiting with old friends. The huge number and variety of classes and tiers was something I have taken advantage of in past years but this year, just hung out and chatted with a few folks. I second your note, this is a great event for learning and re-connecting and all should attend if at all possible. JN

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