Lower McKenzie River Trout Fishing Report


To the sound of the background music of “At Last”, the river is beginning to drop and allowed us a quick drift on the lower McKenzie this week. The March Brown hatch has begun. Not strong in numbers as yet, and with little surface activity.

Nymphing was the key to success for Jim and Kirk aboard the Beast. The Mega Prince and Posse Bugger were the most productive. With the water level high and swift, getting nymphs down along the bottom was must. However, swinging a March Brown soft hackle provided one nice Redside.

We have some really nice weather coming in the next few days and the river is continuing to drop. This should increase the hatch activity and increase the water temp a bit more to making fish gain an appetite.

2014-03-19 11.35.58

Lower Mck3


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4 Responses to Lower McKenzie River Trout Fishing Report

  1. Stevie says:

    Thanks for the report, Lou.

    Friday I found a few fatties willing to take a dry fly. This week should be good.

    Cheers, Stevie

  2. Mrmachinist says:

    Good news, bad news this week;
    Good; had a few good size rainbows and cutthroats take March brown soft hackles and parachutes.
    Bad; I noticed a lot of illegal camping and their polution, alchohol containers, cigarrette packs, condoms, needles,….ugh.

  3. Mrmachinist says:

    The lower river was high, cold and off color today, very limited bug and fish activity, hopefully things will improve again soon.

  4. Mrmachinist says:

    Nice weather on the lower river today, caddis blanketed the surface making the fishing slow at times, possie buggers & dirty birds saved the day.

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