Tuesday, September 24 from 5-11pm
McMenamins North Bank – 22 Club Road in Eugene
Live music by Neil Bjorklund and Friends at 8pm
Join us for dinner, brew, and live music at McMenamins North Bank, 22 Club Road in Eugene, on Tuesday, September 24th. 50% of all the night’s sales will be donated to the McKenzie River Trust! Bring your friends and family and join us for a wonderful evening along the Willamette River.
The McKenzie River Trust protects and cares for special lands and the rivers that flow through them in western Oregon. Working along the Willamette, the McKenzie, and throughout six other watersheds in our region, the McKenzie River Trust is committed to a future in which intact, functioning ecosystems provide clean water, abundant fish and wildlife, and productive natural landscapes throughout western Oregon. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to the McKenzie River Trust.
– See more at: http://mckenzieriver.org/2013/09/mcmenamins-friends-and-family-night/#sthash.vhnC94PI.dpuf
Don’t forget about our annual Two Fly Tournament. We still have a few spots available. Fishing, prizes, meals and a benefit to the McKenzie River Trust