Escapism and winter steelhead

I flew into Seattle last week to hang out with a fishing buddy who’s working through a tough breakup. She’s running out with $30k, plus whatever she wants in the house. Furniture, electronics, the door mat… it’s all gone. My personal favorite – she’d pulled apart the home theater system – one of those five-remote monstrosities that’s built like a Jenga tower and takes you nearly a week to get working right – to take a $50 DVD player.

She won’t tell him where she’s moving, and that’s probably smart for both of them.

But the OP awaits! Packed with soggy tweens, all hopped up on Breaking Dawn Part 2. And winter steelhead. We fill the truck cab up with whiskey bottles and thingamabobbers and plow through the deluge toward the rainforest.

OP Steelhead Trip

Two days fishing a tribal hatchery river, literally bursting with unclipped hatchery steelhead. And instead of 100 people, there are only eight other folks on the water. These aren’t my proudest moments as an angler, but look at that face.

OP Steelhead Trip

Does this man look concerned about what he’s going to find missing from his denuded Seattle home when he returns?

Look at that face again… do you think she deserves more than $30k?


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4 Responses to Escapism and winter steelhead

  1. Brent Maher says:

    Nothing like a steelhead to put a smile on your face though! Your friend should be happy he only lost 30k! I lost 200k in retirement plus 5 years of alimony on top of the child support!

  2. David Jensen says:

    Losing your wife…………30K
    Freedom to fish………….Priceless!

  3. chaveecha says:

    Yes, honey, I do love slimy fish more than you. See ya!

  4. Findgoose says:

    You can take my $30k but you will never take my freeeeeedom (to fish)!!!

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