Tony demonstrates how to tie a killer Chinook Salmon fly on a Pro Tube Microtube. Using a Drop Weight and a Pro cone the fly has added weight. Add your favorite trailer hook and you are set.
We like to fish this fly on a shooting head system with Intermediate Running line and a clear Intermediate Shooting Head. Rumor has it there are quite a few Salmon on the North Coast. Rain is coming folks, so are the Salmon, have the Mahi Sandwich ready along with you Comets and Clousers.
Mahi Sandwich
Hook: Protube Clear Micro Tube, Protube Chartreuse Medium Junction Tube
Body: Silver Medium Drop Weight
Wing: Hareline Tiger Barred Rabbit Strip, Mahi Green/Black over Chartreuse
Hackle: Chartreuse Dyed UV Polar Chenille, Chartreuse Chinese Saddle Hackle, Black Marabou
Head: Chartreuse Medium Pro Cone
Comment: A full meal deal for Fall Chinook